Uniting to show our support on Rare Disease Day

In the time leading up to Rare Disease day we propose Wrexham and its welcoming community unify behind the rare disease community by championing RARExham, an initiative created to highlight the impact of rare disease. We are calling on organisations, businesses and individuals to do whatever they can to show their support.

Rare Disease Day (February 28th) and the week leading up to it is an opportunity for people to show their support for those affected by rare disease. Last year there were over 600 events held in 106 countries in support of the 300 million people affected.

1 in 17 people have a rare disease and 30% of children diagnosed will die before their fifth birthday. These are just statistics and don’t do justice to the life changing experience getting a diagnosis can have.

There are so many ways in which you could take part.


Please register your interest below:


The initiative is being coordinated by Same but Different cic. The organisation supports those affected by rare disease accross North Wales through their Rare Navigator service as well as using the arts to highlight the impact of rare diseases. Through their initiatives, they have reached over 100 million+ with press article readership, 13,000+ with physical exhibition attendants and 200+ campaign participants.